Welcome to the Urth level editor preview.
You should probably read this part before continuing, but then again you may skip it, and come back to it later after you realize that you should have indeed read it. Continue reading
Welcome to the Urth level editor preview.
You should probably read this part before continuing, but then again you may skip it, and come back to it later after you realize that you should have indeed read it. Continue reading
As part of touching up the site I wanted to get rid of the old applet tags which held up some of the sketches, but I couldn’t find a suitable plugin for my needs. So I made one myself. Continue reading
Good news comes better late than never, and with that in mind the plugin should now be uploaded to wordpress.com and be fully functional.
There have been several changes to Continue reading
I found myself updating some posts somewhat frequently. This isn’t necessarily a good thing to do as the RSS feed doesn’t show updates.
A more blog-type thing to do would be to constantly make new posts and link back and forth trough them in a weak attempt at SEO. This isn’t really my thing because one I like my information organised instead of scattered and two I’m not a blogger.
Fiddlig with the built-in wordpress RSS seemed a bit daunting to me so I started Continue reading
New post to go with a new version of the plugin. Click here.
There seems to be a demand for a wordpress plugin which can handle dropbox and there is code available to make it, but for some reason people haven’t made one yet.
Taking the available code and next to no wordpress plugin knowledge I’ve modified the code and made a plugin out of it. Continue reading
I’ve recently purchased a L298 Hbridge to help me help arduino help a remote controlled car think by itself and move.
Does it work? Continue reading
A fine start for this small inventory of software, a Processing sketch done in too little time for a communications session at college.
Was fun to do, but only landed me 5th place. Better luck next time I suppose. Since the solving and calculating is done graphically and the numerical values were a last minute add-in they aren’t exactly precise.
Features: What this little applet does is calculate and display the virtual(red) and real(green) images of an object, as seen trough up to 99 lenses.
It’s all self explanatory really, except for the keys. To help the curious and the eager to learn/ play, I’ve provided a short list of keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
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